The second rak’a
  • Date of Release : 2023-06-20 12:40:00
  • Number of visits : 134
In standing posture, we begin the second Rak’a of the prayer. Again, we recite: standing (qiyām); sura al-Hamd sura al-Tawhid QUNŪT Rukūʿ SUJŪD (prostration) TESTIFYING (TASHAHHUD) SALUTATION (SALĀM)

In standing posture, we begin the second Rak’a of the prayer.
Again, we perform:

standing (qiyām);

sura al-Hamd and sura al-Tawhid



SUJŪD (prostration)





The second rak’a

In standing posture, we begin the second Rak’a of the prayer.

Again, we recite:

sura al-Hamd and al-Tawhid




SUJŪD (prostration)                                                                                                                          sura al-Hamd and sura al-Tawhid 

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