  • Date of Release : 2023-07-05 10:50:00
  • Number of visits : 125
Surah Al-Mā’idah verse 67: (God says to His Messenger) O Messenger, announce what has been revealed to you from your Lord; if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message at all. This word, i.e., the introduction of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, is so important that God says if you don’t do this and don’t say, you’re not either a prophet, you haven’t conveyed. And God protects you from the torment of a bunch of hypocrites and infidels

God sent this verse before His Messenger raised Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s hand to say what’s going on

Surah Al-Mā’idah verse 8: O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in the way of Allāh. To obey the command, be witnesses in justice.

Don’t let these jealous family enmities prevent you (i.e., they said: Ali is gonna take the Prophet’s place? No, we don’t accept it). Throw away enmity in witnessing.

Be just, not unjust;

Be afraid of God’s punishment.

(Look, all these words are based on the Qur’anic verse, this is [from] the Qur’an)

When the Prophet was on Hajjatul wida, there’s a place, a watering hole called Ghadir Khumm.

He asked those who had left there to return, those who hadn’t come to come. It took 3 days.

It’s been narrated that 148,000 or 12,400 people gathered, so that he introduced Ali as his successor.

But the Prophet had insightful eyes; he saw [them as] a bunch of dogs, pigs, and wolves.

Everyone was with the Prophet, visiting Mecca.

The Prophet prolongated it.

The verse was revealed.

Listen up

Surah Al-Mā’idah verse 67: (God says to His Messenger)

O Messenger, announce what has been revealed to you from your Lord; if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message at all.

This word, i.e., the introduction of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, is so important that God says

if you don’t do this and don’t say, you’re not either a prophet, you haven’t conveyed.

And God protects you from the torment of a bunch of hypocrites and infidels.

This is a Quranic verse; if you don’t accept [even] one verse of it, drop dead, you’re a disbeliever, impure and apostate, drop dead.

He says if you do not do this, you have not [completed] your mission.

Now see what God Himself says about Ali.

Send a blessing. (I want the speech not to exceed a CD, so I skip it quickly)

O our Messenger, (God says) I made a covenant with myself about Ali. Listen and convey this to God’s creatures

  1. Ali is the flag-bearer of guidance after you.

Ali is the leader of my friends and infallible Imams (AS).

who says? God to His Messenger

Ali’s [like] a light for those who obey God’s command.

Ali is the word I chose for him.

Whoever loves Ali loves me

and whoever is an enemy to Ali is an enemy to me.

Whoever hates Ali hates me.

Oh Muhammad (PBUH)

Tell this covenant and the virtue of Ali to everyone; I chose, adopted Ali as your caliph and successor.

I chose him for the caliphate.

I granted him my knowledge, understanding, and patience.

Ali is genuinely Amir al-Momineen.

There was no one before him, and no one would be after him.

This is related to his characteristics I mentioned; this is from God Himself.

I chose the name Amir al-Momenin for Ali. No one neither before nor after him dared to give this to themselves.

Ali is the flag-bearer of guidance.

Ali is the Imam and leader of people.

Ali is a gentleman, Ali is Maulah, Ali is everything...

Well, do we oppress more in this era, or did a bunch of Arabs do?

Even though they were relatives, they wouldn’t like, for example, their cousin take the place of God’s Messenger

On that day, God’s Messenger passed away, listen up, wherever the opponents are, listen up; on the day when God’s Messenger passed away, Islam was at most 23 years old, and

they were also a bunch of barefoot, illiterate Arabs.

Today Islam is almost 1430 years old, and everyone claims to be literate.

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