- Date of Release : 2023-06-20 14:00:00
- Number of visits : 227
how to perform prayer?
It is recommended for both men and women to say adhān and then iqāmah before the daily obligatory prayers.
Obligatory Daily prayers
Asr prayer
Isha prayer
Fajr prayer : It has two rak'as.
Zuhr prayer : It has four rak'as.
'Asr prayer : It is a four-rak'a prayer.
Maghrib prayer: It is a three-rak'a prayer.
'Isha prayer: It is a four-rak'a prayer.
How to perform the two-rak'ah prayers(such as Fajr prayer)?
How to perform the three-rak'ah prayers (such as Maghrib prayer)?
How to perform the four-rak'ah prayers (such as Zuhr, Asr, or Isha)?