• Date of Release : 2023-06-21 11:38:00
  • Number of visits : 144
Adhan is a set of phrases recited to announce the time of prayer.


It is recommended for both men and women to say adhān and then iqāmah before the daily obligatory prayers

Adhan is a set of phrases recited to announce the time of prayer.


 اللّهُ أَکْبَرُ     4 times
Allāhu akbar       4 times
Allah is greater [ than what He is described as]

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلٰهَ إلّا اللّهُ  2 times
 Ashhadu an lā ilāha  illa lāh       2 times
I bear witness There is on God but Allah

   أَشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُوْلُ اللّهِ        2 times
Ashhadu anna Muhammdan rasūl lāh       2 times
I bear witness Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah

أَشْهَدُ أنَّ عَلیّاً أمیرالْمُؤْمِنیٖنَ وَلیُّ اللّهِ             2 times
Ashhadu anna ʿaliyyan amirul muminina waliyyul lāh     2 times
I bear witness ‘Ali is the Commander of the Faithful and the vicegerent of Allah.

 حَیَّ عَلَی الصَّلاةِ       2  times
Hayya ‘alaṣ ṣalāh    2 times
Hurry toward prayer
حَیَّ عَلی الفَلٰاحِ         2  times
Hayya ‘alal falāh       2 times
Hurry toward salavation

حَیَّ عَلیٰ خَیرِ الْعَمَلِ            2 times
Hayya ‘alā khayril ‘amal     2 times
Hurry toward the best of deeds

اللّهُ أَکْبَرُ   2 times
Allāhu akbar     2 times
Allah is greater [ than what He is described as]

 لا إِلٰهَ إلّا اللّهُ        2 times
La ilāha illal lāh    2 times
There is no God but Allah



What is Iqama?                         

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