A hadith from Imam Reza (a.s.)
  • Date of Release : 2023-05-30 23:32:00
  • Number of visits : 134
A hadith from Imam Reza (a.s.)
Imam Reza says:7 things are a sort of mockery: 1-One who seeks forgiveness verbally without repenting at heart 2-One who asks God for success in good deeds, but doesn’t endeavor 3-One who implores God for paradise but isn’t patient in hardships 4-One who seeks God's protection against hell but does not give up haram pleasures 5-One who remembers death but doesn't prepare himself for it 6-A person who loves God but doesn't follow His orders

Blessed Imam Reza (send blessings for his soul) says: Seven things are a sort of mockery:

1- One who seeks forgiveness verbally without repenting at heart

Don't forget, repentance essentially means regret.

It's not that you not to sin [at all], now I'm reading to you from "Al-Kaafi" that God loves His creatures who sin, to repent… to say: O God, I've sinned, forgive me.

God hates creatures who commit sin (small or big) but are indifferent to it.

It’s essential that when asking for forgiveness, we must feel remorse inside.

2- One who asks God for success in good deeds, but doesn’t endeavor

3- One who implores God for paradise but isn’t patient in hardships

Well, young man, it's clear that when leaving home, if you see a woman walking in front of you with such an (obscene) appearance, it's difficult to look down and not look at her, but do it.

You go home and see them sitting together watching an inappropriate movie, it's hard, the ego woulds like it.

But go away, sleep in another room.

Aunts and uncles have sat together with their daughters without hijab, it's difficult. They say: Why don't you come to sit with us? Say: You don't have hijab, it's haram for me.

Yeah, it's difficult, but it's for God.

So, this is why he says: "He implores God for paradise but isn't patient in hardships"

here, Moulah Ali (PBUH) says: Heaven with all its greatness is achieved through sufferings, hardships, and austerities, unlike hell with all its discomforts, which comes from false joys.

4- One who seeks God's protection against hell but does not give up worldly [haram] pleasures

You see some people complaining about their path.


God's Messenger (PBUH) says: The world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbelievers. Why?

because your eyes must be limited, your ears must be limited, and your tongue must be limited.

The [good] creature is the one who is limited.

You can't look anywhere, you can't say anything about people, you can't think bad things in your mind,

You can't eat any inappropriate food.

The world is the believer's prison.

Don't consider God's creatures!


God's Messenger (PBUH) says: If all mankind followed a way but Ali bin Abi Talib, send blessings for his soul

If the whole world followed a way, but Ali (PBUH) followed another way, follow the way through which Ali is going, even if he's alone, he's going the right way.

Then he says: Ali's way brings you humiliation, abjection.


He constantly invites you to God, to the truth, to the rightfulness, to leave the deviant actions.

Everyone you see today claims that his religion is his opinion, his religion is his thought!

But Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH) says:


 What God says.

5- One who remembers death but doesn't prepare himself for it

Being ready to die doesn’t cause our death.


Every night, think about what you’ve done since morning.

If you’ve broken someone's heart, told a lie, done something wrong,

say: O God, forgive me.

I send these 30, 50 blessings to the souls of those whose hearts are upset with me.

 Just this!

6- A person who loves God but doesn't follow His orders

You youngsters all love God

Unbelievers love God, too.

Inside us has been created Godly, but time and arrogance destroy it.

7- One who insists on committing sin but expects paradise

No! Everyone sins, bro, but remember that we can prevent it gradually.

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