The rules of Islam in the words of Imam Ali (A.S.)
  • Date of Release : 2023-05-21 18:49:00
  • Number of visits : 129
The rules of Islam in the words of Imam Ali (A.S.)
Komeil who was one of the best students of Hazrat Ali (A.S), asked Imam: O Ali, what are the rules of Islam? He declared....

Komeil who was one of the best students of Hazrat Ali (A.S), asked Imam:

O Ali, what are the rules of Islam? He declared:

1- Knowledge with modesty and Islamic politeness for God’s sake.

2- Honor with honesty and veracity

3- Reading Quran and understanding it and do it honestly for God’s sake.

4- Friendship or enmity with people for God’s sake.

5- Friendship with Mohammad (S.A) with divine knowledge, that you follow Ahl-Albayt (A.S) commandments.

6- Liking your believer brother and supporting him for God’s sake.

7- Being a good neighbor in God and Islamic path.

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