Imam Sadiq (A.S.) is the head of the Shia religion. Martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) condolences.
  • Date of Release : 2023-05-16 18:58:00
  • Number of visits : 130
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) is the head of the Shia religion. Martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) condolences.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says that the whole purpose of God and prophets has been to get these four awful traits out of us. 1- Clean up the human heart from envy...

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says that the whole purpose of God and prophets has been to get these four awful traits out of us.

1- Clean up the human heart from envy, because wherever envy is, faith is absent.

Wherever envy is, it's like you light a fire, put a lot of paper, cotton, straw, and wood into it, it burns [them].

The imam, the prophet… God Himself said to Moses, jealousy eats away at one's faith just as fire consumes wood, so, know that faith has no place in a  jealous person's heart.

Clean u p the tongue from lies.2-

Dear youngsters, seniors, it doesn't matter... don't think that lying will satisfy your needs, Nope!

Success and righteousness are always [achieved] through truthfulness because God approves them

3. Actions and deeds that are hypocrisy (they want to remove hypocrisy from us)

Let's not be hypocritical, i.e. all actions should be for God's sake
Because he says, after death, the hypocrite will be called with 4 awful names: traitor, criminal, liar, and hypocrite.

-4 awful names are attributed to him, then he is thrown into hell

The fourth thing that we must remove from ourselves

is [cleaning up] the belly from haram.

Most of them, on whom no preaching or word has an effect, [is because] they don't pay attention to haram.

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