how to perform tayammum?
  • Date of Release : 2023-06-19 09:11:00
  • Number of visits : 95
how to perform tayammum?
The face tayammum is obligatory from the hairline to below the eyebrow but it’s ok to wipe it lower. Hand wiping in tayammum is performed from the top of the wrist to the fingertips.

Sometimes we have to perform tayammum for some reason.

For example, waking up in the morning to pray, you find yourself jonob [a state that occurs after sexual intercourse or ejaculation], and your prayer will be qadha [end of prayer time] by the time of taking a bath [for ghusl], that's when you have to perform tayammum instead of ghusl.

Or you wake up, see the sun about to rise, if you perform wudu, your prayer will be qadha.

In this case too, you perform tayammum instead of wudu.

Or sometimes water is harmful to you, in this case too, you [should] perform tayammum.

For tayammum, just like wudu, first, the parts of tayammum [in the body] must be clean, that is, there should be no obstacle [e.g., paint] for the soil of tayammum

[touching] the related body parts.

Then put palms in the soil or dust, they should be clean, put them in soil and make an intention to perform tayammum instead of ghusl or wudu,

Then raise your hands, if there’s a lot of soil on your palms, shake them.

Of course, we shouldn’t wear a ring, just like wudu that I already explained, remove the ring before.

The face tayammum is obligatory from the hairline to below the eyebrow but it’s ok to wipe it lower.

Strike both hands on the soil and put them together [so that] the end of them are placed at the beginning of the forehead where the hair grows down

Continue your hands at an angle to reach your cheeks.

The head should be fixed; wipe down your hand gently on the face, like this; it’s obligatory to reach below eyebrows; continuing lower is OK.

Hand wiping in tayammum is performed from the top of the wrist to the fingertips.

Then wipe the whole left palm on the whole back of the right hand.

The right hand should be steady, with no ring, from above the wrist, wipe the whole left palm on the whole back of the right hand

Then wipe the whole right palm over the whole back of the left hand,

The left hand should be steady.

This is tayammum instead of ghusl or wudu.

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