Principles of religion
  • Date of Release : 2023-05-13 02:40:00
  • Number of visits : 106
Principles of religion
Principles of religion, i.e., principles that the Almighty God commanded the Prophet (PBUH) in the Qur’an, he commanded us, and we must obey. and no ayatollah or authority can change even one point of those issues because they’re God’s order.

Principles of religion, i.e., principles that the Almighty God commanded the Prophet (PBUH) in the Qur’an, he commanded us, and we must obey.
and no ayatollah or authority can change even one point of those issues because they’re God’s order.
In his risalah, the deceased Leader says: A Muslim must have certainty about the principles of religion.
 [Risalah: a book to explain Islamic laws]
Now, I’d like to explain the principles of religion precisely, God willing.
There’s a kind of principles of religion that are parroted in school or in books.
 (When they ask) how many are the principles of religion, (they answer) there are five:
The first is Tawhid (Oneness ), implying the Unity of God.
The second is Adl (justice), implying that God is just and not cruel.
The third is Nubuwwah (prophethood), i.e., 124,000 prophets are the truth.
The fourth is imamate (leadership), meaning that twelve imams are the truth.
The fifth is Ma’ad (resurrection), meaning the Day of Judgment.
This is what has become parrotted to us.
But if we want to accept these issues, we should consider them as six, the first of which is certainty.
For someone with no certainty, it doesn’t matter whether the principles of religion are 5 or 500.
Because he’s no certainty.
Just as they were around the Prophet, but, my apologies, they passed away completely wretchedly and inferior to a donkey.
Now I’m gonna read the related hadith from the honorable book of AL-KAFI: One of Imam Baqir’s (a.s.) disciples said, Sir, how few we Shiites are! If we kill a sheep to eat, there are not enough Shiites to eat all the meat.
Imam Baqir(a.s.) said: Would you like to hear something more impressive? He answered, yes, please.
Imam (a.s.) said: When his highness Muhammad (s.w.a) passed away, the people around him all left.
Then Imam (a.s.) pointed with his finger, three people stayed with Imam Ali (a.s.), Abu Dharr, Salman, and Miqdad; the rest all left.
 [You know] why?
Because they didn’t have certainty.
Five things are considered as the principles of religion, but they include six.
The first one is that we must have certainty for saying that God is one and unique.
But there are about 10-12 principles that God expects us in the Qur’an to believe and put into practice, which I’ve written down.
The first is "prayer".
The second is “fasting”.
These are the principles, i.e., God Almighty commanded His Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH)
 in the Qur'an, and his highness Muhammad (s.w.a) commanded us.
God commanded His Prophet in the Qur'an, and his highness Muhammad (s.w.a) commanded us.
All the prophets also had prayers, fasting, and the things I’m gonna mention [in their religion].
In the commands and laws of all the 124000 prophets, prayer existed, fasting existed, wine was forbidden, not wearing a hijab was forbidden, etc.
The third is "Hijab",
Women should have modesty, wear a hijab,

These issues have been in all the affairs of the prophets.
These are the principles, and no ayatollah or authority can change even one point of these issues.
The fourth is “khums”.
Khums is a religious obligation that includes one-fifth of the excess annual income, etc
 (If you say) I don’t accept these men; I don’t pay khums; this is not true.
Khums is God’s command; you must pay khums of your property, pay it wherever you want.
Khums is related to you personally; you have worked for a year, and at the end of the year, [if] you have 2 million tomans as your net capital, 400 thousand tomans will be its khums (One-fifth of it)
This is your property; if you pay it, your life will be purified; with this money, you can pray, perform the Hajj, do good deeds, and God will reward you a thousand times over in the hereafter.
But if you don’t pay it for any reason, your life in this world is impure,
And you’ll face a calamity that will cause you to lose all your money; however, you owe the Khums.
Whoever says that it’s other than this is wrong.

Khums is yours; if you pay it, you’ll see its goodness in this world and the hereafter; otherwise, you’ll go to hell.
Even after death, there’s no one to say; we informed you that it’s not right if you don’t pay for a particular place.
So the fourth item is khums.
The fifth is “wine being haram (forbidden)”.
Wine is haram; this is a principle; there’s a verse in the Qur’an that forbids wine, and no one can change even one point of these principles.
The sixth is “stealing being forbidden”.
These are the principles.
If someone steals, cut off his hand, cut off his fingers, God says.
The seventh is "wudu". 
The eighth is "Ghusl".
The ninth is "tayammum".
These are the principles of religion, i.e., God said in the Qur’an and we must obey.
The principles of religion are not those five items.
First, Tawhid (Oneness), implying the Unity of God.
Second, “justice”, which means that God is just.
In these cases as well, the priority is to have certainty.
We must have certainty when saying this.
We must know wudu, ghusl, and tayammum and perform them correctly so that we can pray by observing them.
The tenth item is adultery being forbidden.
Respected lady, who wears makeup and comes to the street, you know how much adultery will be recorded in your book of deeds by the time you return home.

Respected lady, who wears makeup on the order of the TV agent and comes on TV with a smile and deceives the youth, you know how much adultery will be recorded for you and your husband, your parents, and the TV manager? You know how much adultery will be recorded? These are the principles.
The Leader says: A Muslim must have certainty about the principles of religion… [but contrary to his advice] they told us this way (come to TV), they were wrong saying that, no one can say, you must have modesty.
This issue of women’s modesty is so critical that God told his highness Muhammad (s.w.a)… read in Surah Al-Ahzab from verse 28 onwards.
God says: O Prophet, if your wives would like to be worldly, pay their dowry, divorce them, and let them get away.
Then, God directly says in the Qur’an to the Prophet’s wives: Don’t think that now that you’re the Prophet’s wife, you can do whatever you’d like, nope! Your punishment will be double.
God says! in the Quran… read Surah Al-Ahzab from verse 28 onwards carefully.
He says: Don’t think that now that you’re the Prophet’s wife, you’re free; no, your punishment is double.
He says to the Prophet’s women: You who are the Prophet’s wives, if you came out with no modesty, if you didn’t wear a hijab, we’ll double your punishment.
And interestingly, He says doubling your punishment is not difficult for us.
so, adultery is forbidden.
You know these women who put on makeup and come on TV and talk and laugh with men and flirt, or in the news, talk and laugh and flirt, how much they sin, how much they ruin our youth.
I said that what they do is a thousand times worse than the bombings and killings by Saddam. He killed, and the killed person went to heaven, but they ruin the youth; they ruin the girls.
Sometimes, someone [the poor] knocks on the door, for example, asking for money.
I can see the outside, from here, through the camera.
I see this girl; it’s unbelievable that she is poor… she’s come to beg asking for money with such [heavy] makeup!
(Because she hasn’t been told that it’s a sin to come out like this)
So the next thing about the principles of religion is that adultery is forbidden.
11th is the music being forbidden.
We don’t have any single word in a prophet’s speech that music is halal, but whatever you want, we have verses in the Qur’an that say music is haram, besides the prophets and imams’ speech [considering it haram].
Wherever we encounter lahv-o-la’ab [a pleasure of the senses], it means music.
Wherever the Qur’an says, “Ijtanibu Qawl al-Zour”, that is, Avoid frivolous talk; the meaning of Qawl al-Zour is music or singing; all of these are forbidden.
Music is forbidden.
The twelfth is backbite.
Every time you commit backbiting, 36 adulteries are recorded in your book of deeds. For the one who listens, at least 360 adulteries will be recorded in his book of deeds; this is a serious issue.
The fact that the Leader says: A Muslim must have certainty on the principles of religion… these are the principles, none of them exist without being mentioned in the Qur’an.
The thirteenth item is to consume the orphan's property.
The money that is easily rewarded to anyone, all belongs to these people.
Seventy million people, most of them, can't afford to eat meat for months… month after month… they can't afford to eat rice.


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